I carry a small, black notebook into which I write personal poems. Each is written within a few minutes and with little conscious thought. I write them in coffee shops, on trains or in my head when out walking. In brief moments that offer a pause in the day.
They are part of the coping process for functioning with a brain not designed for much of the modern world. They are like little holes in my head, that, if you look closely enough, offer brief glimpses into my mind.
It’s not pleasant, but, whose mind is?
Though, I am not nearly as dark as these poems might suggest.
At, least, I don't think so
I'm Wrong
I’m wrong I know I have to be I can only be And yet What is wrong when right is equally elusive? Another told fantasy that differs only in the details In the words Words Words that might as well be random for all the truth they hold But it is not the words we listen for is it? No, Not the shaped sounds But the soul that speaks them Words are the translation Chinese whispers Corruptions of the perfect Oily, stained and damp Bitter on the tongue Sweet to the devil That sings them Rigid and course Like frozen honey, hot and sharp Words are all we have left When regret and fear have run their course And emptied us of warmth Empty words That wrap us like course spikes, needle thin That push deep in the blood and flesh Where light and soft heat once held us In darkness Unafraid Unknowing
Cold and Wet
Cold and wet
In the rain
Water running into my eye
Dripping off my nose
Creeping through the fibers of my clothes
To lie snug against my skin
Drawing heat
Life escaping
Along tiny rivers that run
Down my arms and legs into the earth
Then out to sea
I am small
A stand of flesh
A hillock
A rooftop
A sapling
Another invisible among the constant shifting array of things
All things here
Of this cycle
Water to air
Solid to liquid
Bound to unbound
Thought to empty air
Burning through the words
Wearing them out, faster and faster
Until they break
And disappear
Quick Minds and Slow Decisions
Quick minds and slow decisions
Wakeful moments in the stretch of sleep
Opinions formed from naked air
Words built from desire
Fuelled by alcohol and TV
A maze of all history
A millions spots in time
Decisions long forgotten
Time long exhausted
And in all this lateral confusion
This order of magnitude beyond chaos
It all seems right.
Because we cannot step aside
And let the liquid colours slough from the bones of our life
Drink it up dear friends for I have no answers
And neither, I believe, do you
I raise a glass and drink to you all
The survivors
The progeny of single cells in an unlikely ocean
On an unlikely rock
In an unlikely system
Yet born with the confidence of numbers
I Picked a Random Piece of Riverbank
I picked a random piece of riverbank
To sit on
The green wash resolved itself
Into a micro focus of color
Flowers were purple and yellow
Yellow and green
Blue and white
But not for me
This random passing life form.
The grebe fishes in the water
The fish play, or so it seems to my eyes
Butterflies and black flies
Ducks fly past with whistling wings
The fish play again
To get my attention?
Such a human wish
It smells, all of it
It smells real
Somehow ancient
The birds talk with a language so complex
We can never translate
The sun warms with a heat we can never achieve
The fish asks again
I look on with conceit
To Me
To me
For me
It's simple
Love is not complicated
It's as easy as gravity
But then
I speak
And dress love in words
But my words are rags
Ripped and soiled
Hold me
Touch me
But don’t speak
The Sand Remains
The sand remains
Little stars on the cover of my black book
Little whispers
Not calls to return
But calls to carry on
The sand is embedded in my memory
Course pathways into an honest soul
Each grain can support life
For life is of the universe
Black and gold above the fluid glass sky
Everywhere alive, below as above
The scales are irrelevant
Human constructions to help our blindness
To compensate for that which is out of sight
Out of reach of everything but cold numbers
All we know is the binding skin
All else are stories
To live within this story, to live only within the skin
Is beautiful
It is not ignorance that scares us
It is the arrival
The acceptance
That the outer journey is an infinite road
Only the inner journey
Has destination
I Will Not Try Hard
I will not try hard
To make my poetry sing to you
It is mute
Your eyes alone will speak
From inside
The casting of form from words
Meaning from black shapes
The songs are yours
In your possession only
I throw them out in hurried form
Picked from tar black stickiness
To harden
And become crystal
In the safe, warm growths of your mind
I cannot sing these words
In notes that please
But instead, like invisible air from torn carriers
They pass quietly into the open world
To disperse, overwhelmed by the words already written
The words yet in waiting
Still Cracks Drawn in Pencil
Still cracks drawn in pencil
Standing on hope of anything
Being able to escape
The clinging gravity of the moment
This half asleep lie
This deception of the unconscious
The veil
Lifted by the teasing fingers of my depression
To show me the dark sticky inside
Of us all
I am blunted, worn to the wood
Scratching out pleas for help
On paper unread
I Can No Longer Measure
I can no longer measure
This tired world in frames that satisfy
I can no longer read the course of long history
In the brief lights that play across our screens
I am not tired
I am lost
The books lay scattered
Torn from the shelves by ghosts let loose
By a moments inattention
The burnt-in paths of mind wear thin
As the machine reveals itself
I could now….I could
All history returned to air
Forgotten in moments
The story then commands the flesh to believe
But the flesh is endless
It bridges all
It is all
It cannot escape
The word fails
Beauty Lies in Ugly Corners
Beauty lies in ugly corners
In empty spaces
Empty even of the light
Foregone, and left behind
Yet a small victory in the fight for life
For air
For breath
And the fluid motion
That keeps all warm
A forgotten witness to the stories
clothed in words picked from dirty floors
Sanitized in the frigid air of structured discourse
Hung, one by one
Ordered by nothing
Self arranging in the minds of those
Who choose to see
Their selective blindness
Holding down the pressure
The pressure to escape
To break and cut through the holding strings
To let fall and shatter
Against the floor
Built to the sky, rooted, hard against the wind
But cut small and unbound
The wind will take it
Take us
Somewhere, sometime
To fit within
To fit within
The corrupted moulds of modern living
We must contort and break
And sacrifice all but the words
The truths and good espoused by those who taught us
Those whose own corrupted forms
And ill fitting existence
They hid thinly behind feeble remaining language
Walls built from fragile logic that should crack and disperse
Upon any argument truly born
from those shallow drafted words
Am I so corrupted?
Is it invisible to me?
An evolved survival
A story of dark against light
The brittle light
A window of weak strength
I am no longer sure
I am aware of my ignorance
It fills weakly
And life is too short for us to ever know
This tragic tale.
In closing, what would I say
In closing, what would I say
In passing, what legacy would remain as an echo
Drowned by the sounds of other lives that remain
Too focused to see the sadness of that soft reverberation
That shadow that talks gently of regret, fondly of dreams
I have no desire to stay
No desire to leave anything for others to reflect upon
I have no wish to distract others from their lonely course
I only wish to return to the stars
As from the stars, the earth, the universe I came
They talk to me of god.
I talk to them of grains of sand
I hold the universe within my vision, made small upon the earth as a beach, a desert, a handful of suns that fall through the fingers, all lit by our single, sharp white grain that burns beyond any time that we can comprehend.
So I make my stories
And you make yours
And together, in this briefest of moments
We will find common ground
In the sunlight
If I Lost My Eyes
If I lost my eyes
Would I still relate to the greater world?
Would I shrink all down to that which is immediate?
Would the larger concerns of politics, wars, religion
Remove themselves from me?
For me to live, breath and slip through the years
As like a single cell, reacting only with that which touches
Such transformations
Small steps from the born ideal
Are growths upon experience
Stations that lay waiting
To challenge our soft minds made hard
To chisel the outer shell of aged growth
And reveal again the pliant soul of our potential
You tell me ‘We grow old and fail in so many ways’
I tell you we merely run the journey without direction
We define ourselves, slaves to an inherited concept of time that binds us with chains of knowledge supposed absolute
On our deathbeds, do the chains fall free
On our beds of love can the chains be broken
Bind me in your chains my love
Let me see through your blind eyes
I Don't Cry in Sadness, but in Awe
I don't cry in sadness, but in awe
Of all that I have discovered
That such a fragmentary life
Can yield treasures of understanding
That happiness is a way station
On a longer journey
That sweet dreams give light to closed eyes
abounded by soft lies
To ease us on our way
I lay, holding you
A physical touch that is more than possession
It is me, close as I can be to the limits of the physical world
Here, at that border, lies the pathway into the soul
And thence outwards into the universe
Loose yourself from the hard world
And slip and form into the dark shapes
That are born within
I Could End This Journey Now, Perhaps
I could end this journey now, perhaps
I could lay down and let whatever passes my vision
Clouds, stars, curious bystanders....
I could let them be the final things I see
Because it really doesn't matter at the journey's end
With equal blandness, the final, brief and completely unimportant departure
Will be a moment like any other
How beautiful is that?
Quite beautiful I think
To have one's whole life pass like a still pond into that defining moment
That one true piece of knowledge
To let fall an entire existence
Every bland moment
Every sweet second
To know in that brief interlude before darkness
That all is equal when averaged out
For that, we can be content
For that, we can slip unafraid
And die along with all the gods
As always
We take Solace in the Words and Lives of Others
We take solace in the words and lives of others
And they in ours
No matter what questions of truth may hang over these worlds we have created
For it is all metaphor, surely
Imagined realities that mirror, or contrast
Must inform our own self created existences
We are grand manipulators of what grows from tiny grains of fact
But our industry is plowed back into the soil as a new season falls
We grow, not to feed ourselves or others
But to merely pass on the moments that clock our existence
Our memories of what has grown before
Become the defining heart of our existence
Our seasons are not the wiped, stripped fields of momentary growth
But are indelible marks on the landscape
Slow growths that channel the fertile waters that are the food, the blind nurse
Of all that grows
Season beyond season
This Long Life
This long life
This rancid journey
Would, perhaps, keep the light of early passion
If, when the collapse begins, we merely become new
History erased
And the reins passed over
A selfish transition
Or an acceptance of the sleight that is demanded
of our hypocritical game?
These lights of a different colour
Can guide us through the blackness of near blind choice
Through doorways opened by another death
A death not of decay, but of creation
A truer re-birth than any offered
In defiance of the physical world
Such we do in small, staggered steps
Unmindful of the screaming fear that hard pushes from deeper spaces
But that lands like weak gravity upon the surface of the skin
Open the skin and tunnel deep
The torrent that then flows
Makes light of your being
And you will be free
There Are Some Things
There are some things
That cannot be held by the words we choose
Some things are beyond the experience of ink and all alphabet
Invisible to the histories constrained by hard lines
But if I lose all form and rhythm
If I break the bonds between words
Then perhaps I can reach close
Close to the unrealised among the light of discourse
Perhaps it is simply in the touch
In the kiss
In the exhale that the message lies
A release.
But the air, the skin, the mind; the physical is our only path
A sticky medium that grips and holds and distorts
So that whatever small vibrations pass are simply soft arrivals
Too quiet in the noise of life
Perhaps your journey will, in part, illuminate mine for you
And that in those moments of dim recognition
You may forgive me
Light Shadows on Memory
Light shadows on memory
Causing me to doubt
Was I ever that young child?
Am I some random act of nature
Or is it that I am simply nature itself
Shorn of all measures of scale
Of necessity?
To take comfort in that requires a stepping back
An objective removal
From the pulse core of our uniqueness
A de-humanising
Or perhaps
A re-humanising
For such tenets of a reductionist world view
Are themselves myth
What else is there?
Our objectivity exists within a subjective wiring
Whatever plasticity we claim
Is still constrained by the very physical universe
we are trying to escape.
Such is the illusion
Such is the reality
The soft borders of language
And the the hard borders of physics
Will There be a Last Breath
Will there be a last breath?
A final human farewell
To set adrift the soft light of existence
A trace
An expanding wave
Through the universe
That ocean of life
The rising and falling
Weaving and crossing
Binding all
Not in darkness
But in the faintest of glows
A gentle candle in the mind of man
But the eye can see
See within the mind
Within the glow of the eternal soul
It is
It is
Close Me Up
Close me up
Close me up tight
Like a ball of compressed flesh
While my heart keeps me warm
Warm blood
Flowing through the tightly held skin
Flowing warmth
Until the chemistry of the real world deprives me of the energy that ties me to the same world as you
And the slowing vibrations
The seeking of rest from within
Will draw me away
Until I pass over the physical barrier
And give myself to the universe
But no
I shall unwind
And feel again the chilling air around me
Because I can choose
Now I can choose
Unwind and be whoever you want
For you are blood and bone and nothing else
The woken state
Is the inner state
Is the choice
I Am Grateful
I am grateful
For nothing
For the boring routine
The dull moments of simple passing time
For the existence
The breathing
The chemistry
The electric transfer of particles
The movement of elements
The marking of time
The creation of time
Through the body, by the physical soul
I am grateful
While the concept remains
While I grasp it with equal belief to all others
While the story of the future
Rings like truth
A harmony of ideas
A self declared moment of coherence
Matter made meaningful
And so
I am grateful
To be this part in an existence beyond true description
I am grateful
Why Am I Afraid to Write
Why am I afraid to write Afraid to set down the ghastly thoughts That should, perhaps, remain hidden Suppressed by false sunshine By trees too green A mask to the deeper roots that tunnel the black earth The dusty, powdered soil that sticks to the lips That clogs the mouth That suffocates the breathing centre soul Why am I afraid to release And live in simple moments Untethered to the oceans that carry us all on rafts of shallow history Why am I afraid to be alone Adrift and isolated, bound deep within the skin That offers the close, warm yet bordered love Why am I afraid to set down The crudely worded bible of a lonely god The blue, merging, drifting light Caught between the thin transparent sheets of the imagination Why am I afraid to stop To write no more To reach the border And turn away
Perhaps I was Innocent
Perhaps I was innocent
Without effort
Until I had long grown up
Long adopted the form and manners
Of an adult
But not the deep fear
The cynicism
The loss and pain
That came later
Much later
And I was not equipped
To be there
Among the grownups
Their weary selves
Smiling, empty, for the children
Lest they catch on
That all is not well with the world
I am bound, tied, flesh linked
To the ignorance of my past self
The me, now, cannot let go
The emptied body I had grown into
For fear that the truth will overwhelm me
And keep me dark
I Am ill Equipped
I am ill equipped
To deal with the storms on the periphery
My life is ill advised
A blind, stumbling
Across and through the flimsy barriers of convention
Yes, I have brought this upon myself
But not through choice
Not through weighed decisions
Who are you?
I have asked that question of myself so often
That all side sight
All pockets of still wind
In that peripheral storm
Have been all noise
In patterns
In ordered paths
In ordered words in books on ordered shelves
Lie the order that appeals
Take me
You’ll be complete
Happy, content, normal
The cotton black clouds of the peripheral storm
Hide the truth that we all fear
In our instinctive selves
Empty air
It is a Tenuous Strand
It is a tenuous strand
That holds me to the Earth
Tied to the heavy ground
By the lightest of words
The darkest of light
The thoughts, all mass inconcrete
Drive me up
Up into the literal nothing
Where matter appears
In short dances
Before it’s impossibility is realized
I am there, often
Broken out, somehow
Broken free
Tethered only by the words
In good time I will break free
From the words
From the light
And my own self impossibility will collect me
Leaving traces unreal
A background sound
As quiet as the spinning of atoms
These Words Number in Their Thousands
These words number in their thousands
Yet all that projects from this black ink is what?
It seems random
Molecules drifting in some ocean
Perhaps, like life, the words will reach such a number
that they become invisible in the mass
I cannot say they fail
That would be a presumption I cannot make
I cannot say they live
In the detail
Or, in the solid
Bound like atoms
Perhaps they are like music
Forming rhythm and pitch
Songs unknown
Perhaps they just keep me mildly amused while I live.
Should I drop them?
Change them out, for what?
The physical experience of reality?
The touch, the sounds, the tastes?
Can we…can I lose words so completely
That life becomes animal
That life becomes its true level
Within and essential
For when there are no words
One cannot find a place
One simply is
All is all is
I Was Sick This Morning
I was sick this morning
Knocked down by a failing inner ear
A few hours closer to the experience of death
A dry run if you like
In that narrowing of human will
It is dark, and somehow safe
All passion, desire, need and want dropped
like too heavy baggage on the delicate road
to final closing
Now, I am alive again
Pulled back
Slightly hurt
But functional again in the world
Our world
The human social world
So, this afternoon I went again to the beach
There, I found the remains of an animal
unidentifiable from its stark bones and taught black skin
The putrid smell is the same, though
The same as all life in decay
The black road is shared by us all
The baggage piled, tossed aside at the edge of the path
as we gently descend into he animals we are
Not Enough
Not enough
Not enough air
Or space
Or energy
Or peace
Not enough to keep me alive it feels
But I am
Waking every morning
To push through the sunlight
To get through the day
To when I can sleep again
To when I can lie
And evaporate
Into the dark
For a brief few hours
Before the sunlight drags me again
Confused and weak and scared before the day
Before the reality
But I get up
And let the reality take me
Day after day after day
Until it stops
Stops dead
In the End
In the end
I expect it to all be beautiful
All worth the effort
Worth the price
The pain
The dark, dense cotton cloud of depression
The disappointment that the promises of the inanimate actors
Were all gas and dust
That love had only a fleeting hold of reality
Before it lost its grip and fell deep and out of sight
That knowing tempered minutes and seconds ran the day
As predictions channeling grooves in the direction of life
That the constant game of matching expectations with invented reality was always found wanting
That peace came in brief moments
Mere days across a life time
That the empty blandness is full of noise
That the eyes are crowded with visual shallowness
All is defined by the myth of destination
All look forward to invented futures
In the end
It will be beautiful
In the end
I need not care
Is There an End to This?
Is there an end to this?
A day of sunshine
That can make me invisible
So I cast no shadow.
A day of warmth that can spread deep
And keep all my inner self safe.
Or is that an ideal I have been taught unknowing?
An infiltration of the impossible
A shadow that pierces the skin
And darkens the blood that then courses through the inner city of my body
Cutting out the light
The air
The very humanity
I could throw myself at the feet of a million words
And yet not one could open the small slit in my outer self needed to release the thick dark blood.
But I try
I stab with the words
Line by line
Letter by letter
I could ask endless questions
I could ask endless questions
That dig through the crumbling surface
Of our constrained lives
But why bother?
Why expose the topsy turvy of our nature
Why dig tunnels in the oppressive earth
Of our inner flesh
We are blind there
And easily lost
Easily led astray by other’s calls to light
The shallows is the safer place
It’s fiery burning of short fuses
Fireworks to entertain
To keep us breathing through long, unremembered days
But there are cracks
Opened by careless words and actions
Opened by others
To catch us, trap us, bind us
In the confusion of unrecognized light
So I close my eyes
And, for a moment, feel safe
My Little Words
My little words
Are no match to you [when you are angry
And righteous
In your flame
So blue and precise
Fueled by the fear
That the air is too cold
Too raw
For your soul to survive
So you burn hot
Hotter than the air can stand
My little words
In retreat
To preserve
And breath what little oxygen remains
To sing, low voice and clam
To purge the gaseous shadows
Of spent fuel, spent anger
To whistle sunshine
Brief through dark clouds
That gather
To damp your flame
And soak my little words to ruin.